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Botox/Dysport at Re-juvenation

Your trusted Botox/Dysport Treatment in Georgetown, Ontario


Why Botox/Dysport?

Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to smoother, younger-looking skin with Botox or Dysport, the ultimate beauty secret in the fight against ageing. These Health Canada approved neurotoxins work by temporarily relaxing muscles that cause wrinkles, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. By relaxing the muscle, we can avoid lines that create demarcation in the skin. Botox/Dysport is a localised injection it does not run through your bloodstream.Whether you're looking to soften forehead lines, crow's feet, or frown lines, our expert injector will customise a treatment plan to achieve natural-looking results tailored to your unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. It takes 2 weeks for it to complete its job and on average can last up to 3 to 4 months. By 2 and half months, it starts to subside and disappear by 3 to 4 months. With quick, virtually painless injections and no downtime, Botox or Dysport can help you regain confidence in your appearance and embrace a refreshed, rejuvenated look allowing you to get back to your busy life with confidence. Don’t let the lines and wrinkles on your face be the roadmap to your ageing process.

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Meet Jessica Louca, RN- Your expert in cosmetic injectables.
A proud member of the College of Nurses of Ontario and the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

How long does Botox last?

 Our precise injections provide a customized, natural look with minimal downtime, ensuring you always look your best. Lasting 3 to 4 months, we closely observe facial movement to determine the ideal time for a top-up, maintaining your vibrant appearance. Any temporary bruising or swelling is minor and easily concealed. Ready to stay confident and refreshed? Book a consultation with our experts today!

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Jessica is amazing- her work and as a person!
I've been to her location a few times for lip 
fillers and she makes them look so natural
(just how I like them)
Only person I trust with my lips!

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"Trust is the most crucial part of choosing an injector, and with Jessica's nursing background coupled with her honest explanations of the procedures, I've never felt safer and in better hands."

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